
Thinking you want to buy a house, but you don't know where to start?

HouseU's goal is to educate, equip, and empower you to be able to buy a home! Whether you are a first time buyer or a repeat buyer who just wants to understand more. This course is for you.

Stop feeling overwhelmed and get your questions answered.

After an easy to understand course, you will feel confident in the home buying process. Here's what's in store:

-Where to start in the home buying process

-Steps of the homebuying experience

-Worksheets and checklists

-Insider tips to ensure you don't get hosed

-Easy to digest


Easy to watch video course on the easiest way to buy a home.

Identify your biggest house buying fears and feel confident you will go into home buying with a clear understanding of the process.

-Foundation of homebuying

-Quick tips to make your process simple

-Easy to understand language

-Great tools to empower you through your process

-Exciting Lessons


17 Step Lesson Plan

Easy to understand lessons broken out into bitesize chunks to make learning easy and fun!

Buying a house is a huge financial decision. You want to ensure you have great information to give you the confidence you need to buy a home. The problem is it seems so complicated. HouseU will break out the steps for you into short lessons so you don't need to feel overwhelmed.


An incredible learning experience

Practical information to empower you to take charge of your home buying experience

Get Started Today!

You know you want the information and you just don't know where to start. Your answer is HouseU. It's comprehensive layout will help you understand all the big rocks in buying a home and so much more.

  • Learn the big steps in buying a home including things to consider, how to pick experts, how to plan out a budget, things to look for, how to secure financing, etc.

  • Want some checklists or workbook items so you can visually prepare? We've got you covered.

  • Feel like your Google search isn't cutting it when it comes to the largest financial transcation of your life? Don't worry, we make the steps super clear so you will feel at ease.

  • Ever wanted great real estate information without the sales pitch. Use this information to ensure that when you take to industry experts, they can't pull the wool over your eyes.



30-Day Money Back Guarantee

And to really make it easy for you to move forward with this, I’m offering an incredible 100% risk-free guarantee.


HouseU- The Fundamentals of Buying a Home

Everything you need to go in eyes wide open into the biggest financial transaction of your life.